REIKI MASTER Hero Background



Clear the hesitation keeping you from true mastery.

Attune others and teach Reiki with confidence and ease.

Own your power as a Reiki master.

Mountain Girl

Dearest one,

You’ve felt the energy move through you, through your hands, through your body, through the quiet, sacred spaces where healing takes place. You’ve seen what Reiki can do—not just for others, but for you.

And now, there’s another call.

A deeper one. A quieter one. A call that asks, What if it’s time for me to step into mastery?

Not just as a healer.

Not just as a practitioner.

But as someone who can attune others. Guide them. Help them unlock what was once unlocked in you.

And maybe that call feels exhilarating.

Maybe it feels too big.

Maybe it feels like something only other people do.

But hear me when I say this:

You are ready.

Not because you know everything. Not because you feel 100% certain.

But because you’ve walked this path long enough to know that mastery is not about perfection—it’s about devotion.

Devotion to Reiki.

Devotion to your own continued healing.

This is what Reiki Mastery is. Not just a title, but an invitation:

  • ✨ To deepen your understanding of Reiki—not just as an energy, but as a legacy you carry forward.
  • ✨ To learn how to attune others and teach Reiki in a way that is deeply, authentically yours.
  • ✨ To step fully into your power, no longer just receiving Reiki, but becoming a channel for its expansion in the world.

This is where you become a master—not just in name, but in practice.

Let’s do this.

Reiki Master Training 2025 is now open.

Are you in?

Mountain Girl

Before we get into anything else, let me be transparent with you…

The in-person portion of this training will be held either in Montréal, Canada (fall 2025) or Tulum, Mexico (spring 2026). If you’re not able or willing to travel to get the in-person part, this may not be for you in its entirety, but pieces of it can be. Read on.

Becoming a Reiki Master is no small feat.

You’re the one others will discover Reiki through. You’ll need to learn the Master symbols, yes, but more than that, it’s about stepping into yourself as a Master. Someone with integrity and presence, leading with grace. It means embodying Reiki, holding space for transformation, attuning others, and guiding them with wisdom, clarity, and deep energetic trust.

As a Reiki Master, you become a teacher and lineage holder, and integrity matters.

This is a beautiful, sacred position to hold, and no matter what training you do (or with whom), I believe it’s important you move through these three steps:

  1. Stepping into your sovereignty as a leader and teacher
  2. Learning to attune others through your energy, your words and your program structure
  3. Creating reiki learning experiences that are authentic to you.

Most Reiki Master programs focus on the energetic attunements.

The attunements are a crucial aspect, and we devote a lot of time to them in this program, but it’s not enough.

All this said… whether you’re a…

  • Reiki master who has already been taught how to attune others, but feels like they need a little more guidance on how to actually teach and how to craft their programs…
  • Willing to travel to Washington D.C. or to Mexico and go full out with your Reiki Master training
  • Not willing to travel and looking for someone to teach you attunements locally
  • Looking ahead, and starting to think about doing a Reiki Master program,…

I’ve got something for you 😘.

I believe every Reiki Master’s journey takes these three fundamental steps:


Clearing out old blocks –
Stepping into your sovereignty as a leader and teacher


Becoming a master –
Learning to attune others through your energy, your words and your program structure


Teaching their first students –
Creating reiki learning experiences that are authentic expressions of your love for the work.

Where are you currently at?

Step 1 – Clearing out old blocks & stepping into sovereignty

The archetypes of power Step 1 –
Stepping into sovereignty

This is you if…

👑 You feel the call towards taking your master level, but you’re still unclear about so many things and feel like you’re missing something…

👑 You feel disconnected from reiki at times, unsure of how to fully embody it as a teacher.

👑 If you were presented with the perfect opportunity to learn tomorrow, it would feel like too big of a step.

Your next steps are…

✨ Viewing your Reiki 1, 2, & 3, finding the gaps in your knowledge + experience and going about filling them methodically.

✨ Connecting deeply to the pieces of your reiki journey that were the most impactful for you

✨ Finding the belief that there are students waiting for you to be ready to teach them

How I can help

🙌 SOVEREIGN is a self-study online program that is designed to help you review your Reiki journey thus far, clearing your blocks to mastery.

It is $111.

If this doesn’t feel enough, and you feel the need to deeply revisit, maybe even redo your Reiki I, II & III, and focus on getting a lot of practice before you start teaching, this is what Healer: Awakened and Healer: Embodied is designed for. Check them out.

Step 2 – Ready to lead others into the world of Reiki

The archetypes of power Step 2 –
Attuning Others

This is you if…

⚡ You’re ready to add teaching Reiki to your offer suite.

⚡ You hold the position of Reiki Master with reverence, and want to embody your teachings, and lead with confidence.

⚡ You need hands-on experience attuning and guiding students in a supportive setting.

Your next steps are…

✨learning to attune others and practicing it until it becomes second nature.

✨learning to create a nurturing learning flow for your students so they integrate as much as possible during your time together.

✨fine-tune your energy so you can embody reiki at any moment.

How I can help

🙌 ATTUNE – This level of the program is in person in Montréal in fall 2025 or in Thiland in early 2026. It is 3.5 days long. Book a call to see if it’s the right fit for you.

It is $1111 until Sept 1 and includes SOVEREIGN & LAUNCH.

Step 3 – Setting up to teach your first students

The archetypes of power Step 3 –
Creating authentic reiki programs

This is you if…

🙏 You know how to attune others, and now its time to create your own Reiki programs but don’t know where to start.

🙏 You need clarity on how to structure, market, and share your Reiki teachings.

🙏 You’re ready to step into leadership and make Reiki a core part of your work.

Your next steps are…

✨ Connecting to the heart of your offering.

✨ Energetically connecting to your ideal student and crafting reiki journeys for them.

✨ Making invitations and holding discovery calls

✨ Creating authentic class plans you’re ready to throw out in order to stay with the energy of your group

✨ Teaching your first class(es)

How I can help

🙌 LAUNCH is a month long intensive with Inge where you will craft your students’ learning journey (from the moment they feel called to learn to the moment they finish their course with you), create your class plans, or whatever else you’re struggling with so you can get it done.

It includes 3 x 90-min sessions with Inge, and a month of Telegram support.

It is $600.

Mountain Girl

The Journey to Mastery:
Your Path to Becoming a Reiki Master

You’ve come so far.

Your journey with Reiki has been … let’s face it … life-changing.

It’s been a portal through which you’ve learned to let go of your past, integrate your trauma, trust your intuition, and genuinely love & respect yourself. Perhaps you’re being asked: “Do you teach Reiki too?” and you genuinely want to say “yes”.

It’s your time to contribute to the next generation of healers waking up. It feels edgy and scary and you think to yourself “Who am I to do this?”
… but something deep inside answers: “Who am I not to?”

So… you’re looking for the right guide. Someone who can stand strong in who they are and help you do the same. Someone who’ll go beyond teaching you the symbols and will guide you to embodying the thing that students will seek you out for… and teach you how to teach.

You find this page, decide to book a call with Inge, thinking “can’t hurt to talk about it”, and you find you’re inclined to trust her enough to take you on the journey – even if it means travelling, taking time off, and investing some money.

Mountain Girl

Step 1: SOVEREIGN 🌿 Clear the hesitation that keeps you from true mastery.

You sit with it for a few days, and even if it scares you a little to say “yes”, you do.

… and as soon as you say yes, you begin.

You receive a self-study program designed to help you clear the blocks that stand between you and your mastery—doubt, unworthiness, hesitation… You’ll explore your own relationship with Reiki, uncovering the places where old conditioning, uncertainty, or past experiences have left you second-guessing your ability to teach.

You’ll get access to Inge’s Reiki I, II & III, giving you the option to dive deeply into all the materials again, should you choose to.

Then, over the course of four live group classes, you’ll go even deeper.

You’ll have the space to ask questions, fill in the gaps in your knowledge, and release anything still holding you back from standing fully in your sovereignty as a Reiki


Whether you dove into your self-work or not, by the time this phase is complete, you won’t just think you’re ready—you’ll know you are.

Mountain Girl

Step 2: ATTUNE ✨ Learn to attune others and teach Reiki with confidence and ease.

This is where it all comes alive.

For 3.5 days, we gather in person—a sort of pilgrimage to Montréal – where you undo the knots in your system about teaching and embodying authority, lean into what your deepest self already knows about reiki and step fully into being Reiki master by practicing the attunements over and over.

You arrange your travel, book your stay, and carve out this time for yourself—not just as a training, but as a rite of passage.

Over these full days, you:

  • ⚡ Learn how to attune others to Reiki, understanding both the technique and the deeper energetic transmission.
  • ⚡ Discover how to create powerful, experiential learning experiences that change lives.
  • ⚡ Luxuriate in the presence of others on this path, sharing wisdom, refining your gifts, integrating your becoming, and stepping out of the toxic cycle of comparison for good.
Mountain Girl

Step 3: LAUNCH 🚀 Introduce yourself to your future students as a Reiki Master (no cringe).

Now, you lock it all into place with some grounded action-taking.

Through three live online sessions, you :

  • ⚡ Define your ideal student, have calls with people who fit that description, and design a reiki journey for them that they’d be thrilled to go on, making marketing feel like a win-win situation.
  • ⚡ Create a lesson plan for Reiki I that is unique to you, so that your students receive an experience that is deeply aligned with your teaching style, and you feel like you can be yourself every step of the way.
  • ⚡ Make a clear vision statement for yourself you can come back to anytime you feel like you lose momentum or lose the thread of actually teaching Reiki.

This isn’t just about learning to teach Reiki—it’s also about putting every chance on your side so you can actually do it. (and if you don’t, it’s because you don’t want to, not because you feel stuck or unprepared).

Mountain Girl

Got the tingles of recognition?

Think this might be for you?

Even if it’s a big commitment?

The next step is to talk with Inge.

It’s 30 minutes, no pressure, and will help you take the most empowered choice for you.

Mountain Girl

I believe the world is yearning to

Take healing in its own hands

When I started my reiki journey in 2010, nobody I knew had heard of Reiki. I twisted myself into knots trying to explain it. I even dramatically came out of the “spiritual closet” back then to my Neuropsych classmates, only to be met with uncomfortable stares.

Now, in 2025, my students are physicians, RNs, teachers, pharmacists, counselors, and social workers…

It feels like there’s been a significant shift.

I believe that there is a movement of people right now wanting to take their power back when it comes to healing – They want to navigate the complexity of their lives with integrity and intuition, embody a healing presence with those they love, and learn to love themselves at a level that has been elusive until now.

Having attuned hundreds, I have seen Reiki do this for people over and over. Doing a reiki class is such an amazing gift to oneself. Except, you remember this too, finding the right person is everything. As a student, you embark on the mystery of energy healing, and give your trust to your reiki master.

YOU are the right master for the right student.

There are so many of my students who likely would never have done Reiki trainings with anyone else. The same is true for you. There are people waiting for you to embark on their journey, and it’s one that only you can take them on.

It’d be a delight to accompany you on your journey – whether only partially, by helping you review your training so far or helping you refine your reiki I offers, or for the whole journey in person in Washington D.C., Thailand or elsewhere.

In a few bullet points:

  • Trained with a certificate in Energy Medicine from the NHC Institute.
  • Has a bachelors of Psychology and Masters in Neuropsychology.
  • Trained hundreds of Reiki practitioners.
  • Conducted thousands of Reiki sessions.
  • Life-long learner.
  • Called to help the next generation of energy healers ground their gifts, and help the world heal.

In my students’ words:

“Inge’s work and presence is truly magical. She teaches and guides with grace, trustworthiness and authenticity. She can turn any situation into a learning experience and she gives valuable and genuine feedback that will help us, her students, learn, grow and heal in the process.”

“Inge is an incredibly generous, powerful, intuitive, gentle and playful healer, and her listening and communication skills are on point! She’s an amazing space-holder, listener, communicator and coach.”

Gut Check

Feel into whether this is thing for you right now.

Leaning “Yes for the full journey”? Great! Sign up for a call with Inge and then come back here to sign up.

Leaning “Yes for part of the journey”?

For SOVEREIGN you can sign up here and start right away.

For LAUNCH you can book a call with Inge to get set up and sorted.

Leaning “no”?

Perfect access to your knowing.

Call with Inge

These calls are 30 minutes.

They are zero pressure, let’s get to know each other, let me give you every detail you need to make your most empowered decision kind of calls.

Whatever happens, Inge is glad to get to know you and support you on your journey.


Choose whether you’ll pay in full or make 2 payments of $555 and click the corresponding sign up button:


You signed up!

This is huge. The magic is about to get very real.

Do something to celebrate.

Then go poke around in your learning materials and start with your welcome meditations.